Our Professionals

David Johnston, Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate,
Wildlife Ecology

Dr. Dave Johnston is a renowned wildlife ecologist and authority on bats and other small mammals of the western United States and Hawai’i with more than 40 years of experience. In addition to bats, Dave has worked with numerous special-status species including the California red-legged frog, salt marsh harvest mouse, Ridgway’s rail, western snowy plover, south-central California coast steelhead evolutionarily significant unit (ESU), and central California coast steelhead ESU. Dave’s work includes evaluating habitat, assessing potential impacts, and proposing mitigation for bats and dozens of species in California, Hawai’i, Southwestern states and abroad. He also studies long-term post-construction impacts on birds and bats at solar and wind energy facilities, and modeling fatalities.

Dave is an adjunct professor at San José State University and a board member of the North American Society for Bat Research.

Dave received a Ph.D. in biology from York University; an M.A. in biological sciences from San José State University; and a B.S. in biology from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

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