Corporate Responsibility

Just as H. T. Harvey & Associates is committed to creating ecologically sound solutions for our clients, we also practice corporate sustainability in our workplace.

Certified Green Business

H. T. Harvey & Associates’ Los Gatos office is a certified green business in Santa Clara County, California. Our other offices (in Sacramento, Fresno, and Arcata) maintain similar operating practices. Company-wide, we are moving toward a paperless office, provide kitchen dishes, glasses/mugs and flatware, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and recycled papers and materials, and offer socially responsible 401k investment options. Where possible, we’ve installed water coolers with ultraviolet water-cleaning units, and we have a hybrid fleet vehicle. We maintain company policies on sustainable sourcing, green cleaning products, and recycling, and continually evaluate ways to make our operations more sustainable.

Building Improvements

When we expanded our Sacramento, Fresno and Los Gatos offices, we upgraded using sustainable and energy efficient materials. Some of our choices include energy efficient lighting, white roofing, carpet with high recycled and recyclable content, locally sourced and green furnishings, energy efficient appliances, and low VOC paints. We landscape with California native and drought-tolerant plants at our Los Gatos office.

Sustainable Design

Our landscape architecture team specializes in sustainable design and is at the forefront of folding sound ecological practices into site planning and facility development. We employ the principles of ecological design in our planning work and assist planners and developers who are committed to the same principles. Our professionals have facilitated conservation programs, prepared storm water management plans, designed sustainable and environmental education-oriented projects, and worked with clients to maximize the benefits of restored habitats using site-appropriate plantings. Our design group has experience and capabilities in guiding projects though recognized programs such as LEED certification, Bay Friendly Certification, and Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) protocols.

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