News & Events

  • We are saddened to share the news that Ron Duke passed away on May 25, 2024. Ron served as the company president from 1990-2020 and had been president emeritus and chairman-of-the-board since 2022.

    A full tribute to Ron professionally and personally can be found here.

  • Dr. Sharon Kramer, principal and marine renewable energy team lead, is attending the POWER CA (Partnering for Ocean, Wind, and Energy Renewables in California) conference (June 29–30, Loleta, California).

  • Dr. Scott Terrill, principal and avian ecologist; Dr. Shahin Ansari, senior plant ecologist; Gregory Spencer, senior wildlife ecologist; and Sadie Trush, GIS analyst, are attending the Hawaii Conservation Conference (July 30–August 1, Honolulu, Hawaii). Shahin and Sadie will present the poster “Maui County Wetland Overlay Project—A Model to Identify and Protect Hawaii’s Wetlands”.

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